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Representation by Ann Duke

Date submitted
31 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The size of the development is too big for the local towns. Whilst the idea of the resort has benefits such as employment, the scale is cannot be borne by the locality. There is insufficient infrastructure - examples: • The existing road infrastructure is already over capacity and a lack space to expand to provide for both local traffic and resort access. • Rail - Swanscombe Station was originally considered out of ‘the equation’. How does it now fit in – suitability for consideration and impact on local community. • Water supplies – would involve massive increase – capacity? • Waste disposal of all types – ‘domestic’ as well as commercial • Medical facilities – hospital capacity – already stretched Physical and Environmental Concerns: • The resort is being built on a flood plain • Pollution from the build , traffic, waste • The increase in air pollution is of great concern – the resort is within boroughs that are already ranked amongst the highest in the UK • Light pollution – 24/7 light from the resort will impact on the local communities and on species that have been stated to retain their habitats, such as bird populations. • Height of proposed buildings would impact residents of Swanscombe and is incongruous with its ancient heritage • Proposed footpaths are likely to encourage resort visitors to park in communities with consequences to local residents • The human impact on the existing communities, including, but not limited to: mental health and physical wellbeing,