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Representation by Richard Dawson

Date submitted
31 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

In relation to the report I intend to submit the following points (in brief): The current plan for creation of a 'theme park' on a site of extraordinary environmental importance especially during the current climate and biodiversity crisis is extremely concerning to me. The 'theme park' will offer short-term 'entertainment' and 'financial' gain to a minuscule percentage of UK populace at the extreme cost to over 250 species of invertebrates of conservation concern, a loss that can in no way be reversed or 'mitigated' once it has occurred. Swanscombe Marshes as they exist at present are a public resource that anyone can visit and enjoy, their value to the local communities and visitors wellbeing, mental health and quality of life are immeasurable, to destroy this in order to create a plastic world accessible only to the few who can afford it for short term meaningless and empty entertainment is completely against what our country needs to move towards a sustainable future. Swanscombe Marshes are a unique and special habitat that Natural England have indicated should be designated a SSSI, if it is deemed necessary and of value to create a 'theme park' on the scale proposed there are surely more suitable and less environmentally sites that should be considered before a nationally important, unique and irreplaceable site. As an artist working in creative engagement often with at risk and hard to reach groups of young people I have wide personal experience of the value of 'wild spaces' and nature to engage and connect young people to a better way of life and to find value and meaning for themselves. The power of the natural world to support and maintain an individuals, or a communities, wellbeing should be valued more highly than short term financial gain. Swanscombe Marshes offers a unique opportunity for anyone to encounter a very special natural place, this should be celebrated, protected and allowed to survive and thrive as a jewel of the UK's unique environment, it should not be destroyed for short term, unsustainable financial gain.