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Representation by Jayne

Date submitted
31 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I feel that it is extremely important to protect our wildlife, which is already increasingly under threat due to habitat loss. Swanscombe Peninsula is home to 250 species of invertebrates, including the critically endangered distinguished jumping spider, which is found in only one other location in the UK. The unique and diverse environment at Swanscombe Peninsula also provides a home to a diverse range of breeding birds, including fifteen species red-listed birds and twelve of principal importance. Additionally, the surrounding areas are already heavily congested and polluted, with higher than average pollution-related illnesses, which is a real concern for me, having family local to the area who suffer from respiratory illness. I am worried that even more pollution as a result of the London Resort if it were to go ahead, would worsen the health of people living near to Swanscombe Peninsula. Moreover, it has been well-documented how beneficial the natural environment is for peoples’ mental wellbeing, and the area is already very built-up, so Swanscombe Peninsula is a precious, natural green space, not only for the wildlife, but also for the people local to the area.