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Representation by Richard Stone

Date submitted
31 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I personally oppose the Development by London Resort Company for the adverse effects that it will have on biodiversity, the local residential community and loss of business an jobs. The Peninsula is a SSSI covering 264.1ha, recognising its biodiversity and irreplaceable mosaic of habitats. The Development would cause:a huge loss of significant SSSI land and additional damage and harm to other areas within the construction phase. Due to the breaking up of the site it will cause damage that may be irreversible to both marine and other terestrial life that reside there. From habitat destruction, noise and light pollution and increased human activity. It will also affect the overwintering birdlife and resident birdlife, many of which are on the danger list. Along with the disruption to the saltmash and marine life. Swanscombe Northfleet and Greenhithe being the immediate residential areas which will be affected, are heavily populated and are are being heavily developed with houses etc. Therefore The Peninsula is a vital ‘green’ resource for recreation, bird watching, naturalism and education,. The health benefits (both existing and planned) are essential for the wellbeing of the population. Mental health issues have increased dramatically and the peace, solitude and calming effect helps so many people. This will be lost. We suffer from high pollution levels in Dartford and the increased traffic, both during construction and if it opened would significantly increase this along with associated traffic congestion on an already over crowded round network. The impact on local roads would also increase significantly as people try to find parking that does not cost. Visually the impact will be massive as Swanscombe sites high on the hill thus the park will be visible far more than the plans indicate. It will also be visually intrusive to to residents across the river in Essex. There will also be the noise pollution traveling up out of the site along with noise pollution that will affect many residents in Swanscombe Northfleet, Ebbsfleet and Greenhithe. The lose of established business is not acceptable. Simply saying they can relocate does not help local workers who may not be able to relocate thus lose their specialist employment.