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Representation by Marc Robert Burroughs

Date submitted
31 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I‘m a resident who’s resident in Swanscombe for over 35 years. My name and home address appears on the Book of Reference appended to London Resort Holding Company Ltd.’s Application for an Order to grant Development Consent. I come under Category 3 – Possible Claimant under S.10 of the Compulsory Purchase Act or Part 1 of Land Compensation Act 1973 or S.152(3) of the Planning Act 2008. I am seeking clarification upon whether I should have consulted by LRCH and served with a S.56 Notice which has been served upon some, but not all Interested Parties. From my telephone discussion with Savills last year, I was informed that my property will not be acquired by a CPO. In the event that it Is, as a result of any plans that have to be revised or amended, then I would strongly object to this on the basis that I do not consider that I would receive adequate recompense and paid the market value for my property, to include all home improvements undertaken, and loss of rental income, should I rent my property. Traffic Congestion As part of my job, I am required to drive to different locations of the M25 and have to use the Dartford Tunnel. It is only when you use the tunnel/bridge daily, that you experience the sheer weight of traffic and the inordinate time you spend, on what should be a straightforward journey. Ebbsfleet is essentially a new town between Dartford and Gravesend. It is envisaged that there will be 50,000 homes. As a result, the Dartford Tunnel cannot cope with this additional traffic even through improvement works are being undertaken at A2 Bean/Ebbsfleet Junction. I do not believe the roads which LRCH wish to adopt will be enough to deal with the number of visitors that will be attending from 9.00 am to 11.00 pm via vehicle. Parking Parking in Swanscombe will also be a huge problem should the scheme go ahead. At present I’m able to park in my road. If I go out in my car, not only will I be stuck in traffic, I’m unlikely to have a parking space upon my return. Air Pollution As a result of the traffic congestion referred to above, this will bring with it more air pollution. Air pollution is incredibly high in Dartford and will be worst once the developments at Ebbsfleet have been completed and the London Resort. I am a keen cyclist so this is a concern. Noise Noise from the London Resort will have an impact on my right to quiet enjoyment of my property being so close to the London Resort and will have an impact, if selling my property. I do not agree that the London Resort will add value to my property. No-one will want to live so close to the London Resort because of traffic congestion, noise, pollution and issues with parking. Swanscombe Marshes I was pleased to note that Natural England has awarded Swanscombe Marshes a Site of Specific, Scientific Interest. Having been born and raised in Swanscombe, I visited the marshes regularly and still do. This status should end the debate of the London Resort being in such close proximity of Swanscombe Marshes. It will cause irreparable damage. Public Footpaths I am a keen cyclists and often cycle around Swanscombe up to the marshes and use of the number of cycle routes. I also take long walks along the Thames and the Swanscombe Marshes via the public footpaths which I be unable to do. Funding It has been raised in the local press that there has been huge delays in reaching this stage, because LRCH do not have funders/investor. I am very concerned that all the local business which I and my family have used, will be lost. The closure of these business will cause irreparable damage to the residents and businesses in the area. Because LRCH’s supplication is extensive, so I have been unable to deal with all issues contained in it, but would like to do so at the hearing. For the reasons referred to above, I object to the proposed Development Consent Order. Kind regards Marc Burroughs.