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Representation by Hermione Fiebig

Date submitted
31 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I disagree wholeheartedly with the building of a theme park at Swanscombe Peninsula!! This area should be protected as a SSSI and must be left for wildlife and for future generations to enjoy. Wildlife in the UK is in drastic decline as it is, let’s use this opportunity to highlight our species diversity; which Swanscombe Peninsula has. It supports over 250 invertebrate species of conservation concern, including the Critically Endangered Distinguished jumping spider (Attulus distinguendus), which is found on only one other site in the UK. Not only does it support an amazing range of invertebrates but 13 nationally scarce vascular plant species have been found at Swanscombe, including 5 red-listed species such as the Man orchid. I like to visit try and spot the rich variety of birds which includes 15 red-listed Birds of Conservation Concern and 12 Species of Principal Importance- including Marsh harriers, Bearded tit, Nightingales and Black redstart. Please do the right thing and keep this amazing area of land as it is. Now more that ever, the pandemic has shown how important our outsides spaces. We know being out in nature helps our wellbeing, lifts our energy levels and positively supports our mental health. It is a far greater loss to pave over our beautiful UK habitats then to have another concrete theme park that no one asked for and to make money for foreign investors!