Cyngor i Planning Aid
Yn ôl i'r rhestrYmholiad
- Oddiwrth
- Planning Aid
- Y dyddiad y rhoddwyd y cyngor
- 1 Medi 2010
- Math o ymholiad
- Phone
Mr Ryan called and requested details on the Triton Knoll project; in particular, what elements of the project have formed part of the scoping request from the promoter and details of involvement with the IPC process. Mr Ryan also requested information on the "Six steps" of the IPC process and requested a copy of these to be sent to him.
Cyngor a roddwyd
Dear Colm,
as requested I have attached some information in regard to our conversation earlier this week on Triton Knoll. Attached is the "six steps" you requested and also some more information below which may be of use to you:
At present this proposal is at the pre-application stage and in order to maintain the Commissions independence and impartiality you will appreciate that we are unable to comment on the merits of an application, or the applicant?s consultation procedures, during the pre-application stages. However, in accordance with the Planning Act 2008, applicants have a statutory requirement to publicise their proposals and carry out extensive consultation prior to the submission of a formal application for development consent.
The applicant, RWE Npower renewables, is currently in the process of its formal pre-application consultation and as they have a statutory duty to take into account comments received prior to the submission of their application, I encourage you to participate in that process by presenting your concerns to them. The applicant?s contact details are as follows;
RWE N power renewables
Auckland House
Lydiard Fields
Business Park
Great Western Way
01793 474013
Upon receipt of an application, the first stage of the process is that the IPC has 28 days from the day after the date of submission to decide whether we can accept the application for examination. The criteria that the Commission must use in deciding whether an application can be accepted are set out in s55 of the Planning Act 2008 and include whether or not the application contains the correct documentation, complies with the relevant legal requirements and that the applicant has complied with its obligations at the pre-application stage.
Should, the Commission decide to accept the application, the applicant is required to publish and carry out notification of the accepted application inviting representations from the general public, statutory consultees and relevant stakeholders. This is the point at which you
should write to us giving notice of your interest in or, objection to, the application. A form will be available on-line for you to complete for this purpose, details of which will be provided in the applicant?s publicity and notification. This will ensure that you will become an 'interested party' and so will be notified of all future stages in the Commissions examination of the application.
Following on from this, there will be a preliminary meeting to discuss the time table for the examination itself. The examination will be carried out largely through detailed written representations but there may also be hearings on specific issues and an 'open floor' hearing where interested parties will have the opportunity to make oral representations.
I hope this has been of use towards your query Colm . If you have any further queries, please contact myself.