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Advice to Rio D'souza

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Rio D'souza
Date advice given
8 November 2010
Enquiry type

The Highways Agency (HA) is responding on line, regarding compulsory acquisition of land.

However I believe the HA should for completeness respond to the application with reference development impact on the A421 trunk road as the application was supported with a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan.

Can you please advise if the HA can register on line its response .

Advice given

At this stage we require an outline of the principal submissions which you propose to make in respect of the application.

Therefore when completing the online relevant representation form we ask that you provide a summary of any points which you feel should be raised. At a later stage, following the Preliminary Meeting, you will have an opportunity to expand upon these comments through a detailed written representation. There may also be an opportunity to make oral representations at an Issue Specific Hearing, this being at the direction of the Examining Authority.