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Advice to Ruth & Steve Rowse

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Ruth & Steve Rowse
Date advice given
27 October 2010
Enquiry type

I wish to submit an online representation regarding the above project. It states in the form that the submission should not contain ?Material about the merits of policy set out in a national policy statement?.

I do not know if there is a national policy statement affecting this proposal, or if there is, what it says. If I don?t kneo this then I do not knoe if my submission will or won?t contain material about the policy merits

Please therefore could you advise:

  •   Is there a national policy statement?
  •   If there is please could you point me in its direction or provide the salient points?

This will allow me to complete the representation form.

Out of courtesy, please could you provide a response by 1300 28 Oct 10.

Advice given

Thanks for your email. I apologise for not meeting the 1300 (today 28 Oct 2010) deadline. We receive many requests for information similar to yours and it is not always possible to prioritise anyone?s request over or above that of others.

I have responded to each of your points below and provided a more general response on the topic area.

  • Is there a national policy statement? There are draft NPSs which are most relevant to the type of development proposed by the applicant. These are:
  1. Revised Draft Overarching National Policy Statement for Energy (EN-1)
  2. Revised Draft National Policy Statement for Renewable Energy Infrastructure (EN-3)

DECC is currently consulting on the 2 draft NPSs above, as they are responsible for producing them.