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Advice to Heloise Hartley

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Heloise Hartley
Date advice given
18 October 2010
Enquiry type

I am aware that summary representations have to be submitted by 19 November but am unclear when the more detailed representations would need to be submitted. I need to give my client who is looking to object to the application an indication of timescales. If you could also give me an indication as to when the preliminary meeting is likely to be held that would be helpful.

Advice given

Following the closing date of the representation period on the 19 November 2010, the Infrastructure Planning Commission (IPC) will have 21 days to make an initial assessment of the issues.

The commissioner will then set a date for a preliminary meeting. It is at this time or very soon thereafter, that the time-table for detailed representation will be set. It is unlikely that further/detailed representation will be set before January 2011.

Please be advised that only individuals that submit relevant representation at this stage will be notified to make further representation after the time table for detailed representation has been set by the commissioner.