Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Dawn Lacey

Date submitted
8 July 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

EDF - SIZEWELL C SUFFOLK IS AN OUTDATED COSTLY DESIGN - EDF HAVE FAILED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED IN CONSULTATIONS 1,2,3 AND 4. APPARANT TO ALL CONSULTEES, INC. COUNCILS, LOCAL HOMEOWNERS AND BUSINESSES. SCIENTIFICALLY IT IS TOO CLOSE TO THE NORTH SEA TO BE SAFE FROM FUTURE SEA DAMAGE AND POTENTIALLY BECOMING AN ISLAND. NUCLEAR WASTE BEING A HUGE CONCERN. SMALL REACTORS FOR SUFFOLK ARE LESS DAMAGING FOR THE AONB, SSSI'S AND THE ALREADY ERODING COASTLINE. AS ARE WIND FARMS (AS RECENTLY GRANTED IN NOROLK). BATTERY POWER BEING ABLE TO STORE EXCESS POWER. REASON NOT TO PROMOTE RAB FUNDING: THE UK PUBLIC IN THE CLIMATE OF COVID 19 CANNOT BE EXPECTED TO PICK UP THE COSTS TO FUND EDF WHO ARE STRUGGLING FINANCIALLY, WITHOUT EXTERNAL FINANCIAL BACKING. EDF ARE PREPARING TO CUT COSTS BY UP TO 3 BILLION EUROS FOR 2020 - 2021, ALTHOUGH THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT HAVE AN 85% SHARE IN EDF, THEY HAVE CONFIRMED CANNOT FURTHER FUND EDF DUE TO NEED TO BOOST FRENCH ECONOMY POST COVID. REASON NOT TO USE CGN FOR EXTERNAL FINANCIAL BACKING: THE UK GOVERNMENT HAVE BEEN WARNED FROM MANY RELAIBLE SOURCES NOT TO GET INVOLVED WITH CHINA FOR NUCLEAR BUILDS, TO PROTECT UK SECURITY. The Sizewell Link Road will severely affect both my husband and myself. My husband and I are key stake holders. I am [Redacted], and specifically chose to live in a location surrounded by open farmland, with clean air and with no vehicle emissions to worry about. EDF’s current planning application shows the Sizewell Link Road being extremely close to our property. (At the Stage 4 Consultation, we had requested numerous times for measurements showing exactly where the link road is being proposed, but EDF failed to provide this information). EDF are aware of my [Redacted], and have not taken it into consideration, with the planning application proposed link road being even closer to our property. Due to EDF’s proposals we will have to have whole house ventilation installed, to try and help cut the proposed vehicle emissions to try and control [Redacted]. The emissions from vehicles using the proposed Sizewell link road and being so close to our property remains a huge health hazard for myself and a huge worry. We also have the financial worry that we are forced to spend money on our property to be able to control [Redacted], only to get confirmation that our property will be reduced in value directly due to the proposed link road because of vehicle noise, visual disturbance, and emmissions. Currently Fordley Road remains a single track country lane with minimal traffic flow, cutting into fields, with high banks either side of the road in certain areas, causing rainwater run-off and historical floods, with the Minsmere Cut statutory river running parallel to the road edge. The Environmental Agency are aware of this. The Minsmere Cut runs directly from Minsmere and was cut into the land as an overflow system. Due to EDF’s proposed layout for Fordley Road, at peak traffic times it will easily become a rat run, allowing traffic not to queue at the proposed Yoxford roundabout. THIS WILL CAUSE ACCIDENTS AND FURTHER CONGESTION ON THE SINGLE TRACK ROAD POTENTIALLY STOPPING FARM MACHINERY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES ACCESS. THIS CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN – PLEASE STIPULATE THIS IN YOUR COMMENTS TO EDF. EDF’s proposed largest detention pond close to the junction of Fordley Road and the B1122 is at the top of a hill looking down towards Fordley Road. Please confirm what benefit the location of this detention pond will have to an area renowned for flooding. Taking the above into consideration, and to help eliminate all of the above, we strongly request the road is to be re-located closer to the existing B1122. Our location currently benefits from regular sightings of Red Deer, Red Kites, Buzzards, barn owls, badgers, hares, bats, partridges, pheasants skylarks and swifts, and is close to protected natural habitats. It is a very quiet, and unspoilt location, allowing nature to thrive, all would be affected by the Sizewell Link Road, that’s just in our location! We strongly request to see all of EDF’s Fordley Road wildlife reports which have been submitted with their current planning application. The B1122 was used for the construction of Sizewell B, affecting far less homes than if the proposed Sizewell Link Road were to go ahead. It was also previously agreed that the D2 route would be a far more direct route if a link road was ever deemed necessary. As we all are very much aware, it is a huge UK security risk if China invests further into the UK infrastructure, The RAB model is not viable as the UK public cannot be expected to fund the build of Sizewell C particularly post Covid, by paying inflated prices for electricity for years to come. EDF’s French Audit Report predictions for 2020 – 2021 have been reduced by 2-3 billion euro’s due to the knock on effect of Covid 19. EDF are renowned for nuclear power station technical failings. Nuclear waste being a global concern , with no proven adequate way of disposing with the waste, particularly with global warming and sea levels rising. The Chinese only recently wanted to compromise health and safety at Hinkley by wanting to use a crane above the workers carrying a vast concrete floor slab. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW FURTHER TECHNICAL FAILINGS, AND WASTE DISPOSAL WORRIES FOR EAST SUFFOLK. With all the above in mind please therefore consider the safety of the UK public now and for future generations to come. Wind Farms backed by green battery power, being a cheaper, less invasive, quicker to build and healthier option, without putting the UK security at risk. East Suffolk residents livelihoods including farming and tourism, WILL SUFFER, including East Suffolk’s AONB, SSSI’s and RSPB Minsmere, EDF ARE FINANCIALLY STRUGGLING, CGN IS A UK SECURITY RISK, HINKLEY IS BECOMING CLOSER TO BEING THE UK’S MOST EXPENSIVE WHITE ELEPHANT. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW EDF TO CONFIRM THAT THEY ARE PROVIDING JOBS FOR EAST SUFFOLK, AS THEY ARE HOPING TO BRING THE MAJORITY OF THEIR WORK FORCE FROM HINKLEY TO SIZEWELL TO ‘HOPEFULLY SAVE 20%’? ANY SIZEWELL C JOBS ADVERTISED ARE DUE TO BE TEMPORARY JOBS LASTING PERIODS OF THE BUILD TIME, BUT IN THE MEANTIME HUNDREDS OF LOCAL RESIDENTS LIVELIHOODS WILL SUFFER WHERE EDF HAVE CRIPPLED FARMERS, TOURISM AND LOCAL BUSINESSES. CONCLUSION Please say NO to EDF’s Planning Application for Sizewelll C which is on a piece of land on the Suffolk Heritage Coast, linked to AONB with SSSI’s. The land in question has been confirmed as too small for what EDF want to try and squeeze onto it. EDF’s proposals of 2 village bypass at Stratford St Mary and 2 Park and Rides at Wickham Market and Darsham will be completely inadequate. The A12 will become one long congestion from Ipswich to Lowestoft. The Orwell Bridge closes due to high winds causing vehicles to then congest in the heart of Ipswich which it’s infrastructure cannot cope with. Emergency Services will severely struggle to utilise the A12 in vital circumstances. ---------------------------------------------------- I fully endorse both East Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council's viewpoint regarding EDF's proposal for a Sizewell C Link Road. * It is not necessary to divide and ruin communities and businesses for the proposed Sizewell Link Road to be built. There is no benefit, as the proposed Link Road as per Council's comments, would run parallel to the existing B1122. There is no legacy benefit, with the Council's not wishing to have ongoing maintenance costs, therefore the road after Sizewell C is built, would become redundant, having ruined the local landscape and wildlife, and which would have the cost to be re-instated. Who would pay for this? * East Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council, also have mentioned and are proposing, which I also endorse, that the previously discussed D2 route south of Saxmundham is the most favourable and straight forward route for a Link Road. It is a more direct route going into Leiston and Sizewell, meaning less Sizewell traffic travelling unnecessarily north on the A12 to Yoxford. (With the majority of Sizewell lorries coming from the South) The D2 route would offer a direct route for the public, for public transport and for emergency services also, whilst allowing direct access to Sizewell C, and providing a legacy. EDF have continually throughout Stage 2, 3 and 4, ignored and failed requests to provide the D2 route option. The Council's and myself continue to propose this route as the best Sizewell Link Road option. *Separately, the A12 is not built to take the amount of lorries through Suffolk for the build of Sizewell. The majority of existing haulage lorries using the A12 through Suffolk drive to the Port of Felixstowe. The Orwell Bridge closures due to high winds cause stacking procedures, for the haulage lorries, and also causes gridlocks in Ipswich.