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Representation by Christopher Yeo

Date submitted
8 July 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to lodge my strong objection to the location of the lorry park in Felixstowe Road (the Seven Hills lorry park). Its proposed location will be danger to road users with slow moving large vehicles crossing a 60 mph road only a few yards before vehicles come off a 70 mph dual carriageway. Felixstowe Road is also a national cycle route so the massive increase in HGVs will add to the risk of serious accidents or death to vulnerable cyclists. the ability for HGVs to leave via the right turn onto the A1156 which is a 60 mph road and then negotiate the Seven Hills roundabout increases the risk in what is an accident black spot with 60 accidents in the last 10 years. Alternatively they may travel east along the Felixstowe Road and join the A14 Westbound on what is a very short run-on lane with these slow moving vehicles joining an already congested A14 . It is hard enough to negotiate in a car let alone in an HGV. No account has been taken of the fact that this section of the Felixstowe Road is also a Stack Area for the Port of Felixstowe. The proposed site will also be an environmental eyesore bordering on an AONB and will have an impact of the tourism that the area relies on. A recent application for a significant lorry park slightly further east along the A14 at Innocence Farm was recently rejected by the planning inspector who stated that not only should this development not be allowed as it was not needed nor was there any need for an alternative to substitute it. The proper location for a staging park such as this would be along the A12 north of Seven Hills which would these risks and conflicting issues.