Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Lynda Whitbread

Date submitted
9 July 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have concerns on all aspects of the plan to build a nuclear power station at Sizewell. The following bullet points are only a brief synopsis of my views. 1. We have concerns over the construction of such a large development over such a long period of time in an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and on a Heritage Coastline, next to RSPB Minsmere. No mitigation can guarantee to protect these areas from pollution, noise, negative impacts for wildlife, tourism, quality of life for local people. 2. The B1122 is not fit for purpose for the volume of traffic that uses it today. With SZC under construction, even with a relief road, traffic will increase considerably due to SZC and the wind farm developments running concurrently. We have been told there will be no relief road until two years into the construction period. This is not acceptable. Some residents in Middleton Moor have front doors that are 2m from the B1122. EDF have not listened to local people, their proposed route is in the wrong place. Famers will be left with pockets of land that they cannot farm. 3. The proposed relief road will cut communities off, closing country lanes used by locals to get to shops, GPs, schools etc. This will result in diverting local traffic onto roads that will already be overloaded with construction traffic and transportation for the work force. If a relief road is constructed, country lanes should remain open by being bridged. 4. The holiday trade will be seriously affected reducing visitor numbers and the financial benefits they bring to this area. We have seen the negative effect Hinkley has had on tourism in Somerset. 5. Reports indicate Sizewell will be under water within 50 years (or less) as sea levels rise due to global warming. This information came from government led studies. 6. This area of Suffolk is rural, it does not have the facilities to support a large workforce that will be imported from other areas of the country during the construction period. The infrastructure is already stretched in schools and with local health providers. 7. The increased amount of traffic using the A12 will cause chaos all around this area and beyond. The A12 is a busy road now, classed as one of the most dangerous roads in the UK and is not fit for the volume of traffic using it. High winds close the Orwell bridge, causing more chaos around Ipswich. The projected numbers of HGVs, buses, workers vehicles and vans will lead to increased levels of noise and air pollution, affecting the quality of life for local people and wildlife. 8. The cost of this project is immense for a nuclear system that is out of date. Without correct funding, it could be left to the British tax payer to cover costs over a long period of time. 9. The construction of this power station will not be carbon free. There is still an issue on where spent fuels will be stored safely.