Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mark Solomons

Date submitted
14 July 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live locally, on [Redacted] that is threatened by the construction of Sizewell. I am also a volunteer with the RSPB and a keen nature watcher. I believe the size of the project, the excavation of large amounts of earth, the bypass and heavier traffic via road and sea will seriously damage the environment, affect the water levels in the lakes and meres on the reserve which in turn will damage the ecosystem and destroy habitats that encourage the breeding and therefore survival of several threatened and endangered species. These include flora and fauna from birds such as the bittern and marsh harrier to mammals including the water vole and otters and several species of plants, invertebrates - particularly butterflies, dragonflies and solitary mining bees. This is not about protecting my own property. I do not think the value will be affected nor the view but the reason we moved here was to be close to the nature that is here and that will be affected.