Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Martin Bailie

Date submitted
14 July 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The proposed southern park and ride for the construction of Sizewell C is just off the A12 at Wickham Market. I think this is a totally inappropriate site. This is a vast site; 1250 cars is a huge number for a rural area (and a rise in number since the earlier consultations) There will be significant residual effects on the character of the landscape within and immediately around the site. There will be significant effects local residents, especially those who have a view of the site - which will be far reaching. There will be significant effects for users of footpaths and bridleways that cross or immediately adjoin the site Terrestrial ecology and ornithology will be affected by the site. A substantial quantity of Romano-British artefactual material have been reported in this area . It is clear that this settlement was of considerable importance and extent, and that well-preserved archaeological remains are likely to survive. Any archaeological remains within the site would be substantially disturbed. This would give rise to a medium magnitude of change which would be significant. An expected 21-24% increase in traffic is expected along roads to the site. A higher proportion from the A12. This will drive traffic through the bottleneck of Woodbridge and Martlesham where single lanes exist in part and new and significant housing developments at Martlesham and Woodbridge will add to already problematic traffic. Noise and light pollution will be considerable and adverse; the site is operational 20 hours a day 7 days a week for at least 10 years The proposals to remove on-street parking spaces on the B1078 between Border Cot Lane and River Deben bridge is a gross inconvenience to residents of Wickham Market and will severely affect disabled and elderly residents in particular. The proposal to divert traffic from the B1078 down Valley Road and up Easton Road and reconfigure these roads would have significant and damaging effects to the landscape and character of this area; 1100 cars are expected to cross a single lane listed bridge every day. Several livery businesses in the area will be significantly affected. The joint councils response to both Stage 1 and Stage 2 consultations asked you to consider sites further south on the A12 I do not see evidence that you have considered this in any detail. In conclusion I oppose the Sizewell C southern park and ride site at Wickham Market and believe it should be sited further south on the A12 away from residential areas and near the A14. Martlesham is a perfect location with light industrial developments already. Stop ruining the countryside!! I strongly disagree with the use of roads to build this overpriced vanity project. If large power stations are essential then use the sea for transporting in as low carbon a manner as possible! This project is creating no real jobs locally and is threatening Suffolk’s tourist industry for years to come through trucks and pollution.. Focus on renewables and small reactors not monsters that use road transportation.