Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Alan Hatt

Date submitted
19 July 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Traffic/ I am a Theberton resident living adjacent B1122. I reject EDF's road led strategy. The link road cuts of Pretty road a vital link to Saxmundham,s Tesco and Waitrose. Villages access to Saxmundham is kettled between going through Yoxford,s new roundabout or going to Leiston via B1122 across intersection of link road and Leiston traffic. The link road/ will be constructed at the same time as SZC not before as will the park and rides, Scottish Powers sub stations and pylons, two village bypass ancillary traffic and possibly a european interconector. 500 lorry movements a day for link road construct over 2-3 years plus huge lorry number for SZC ground work plus possible euro interconnector traffic. The A12 single track road in many areas, and a B road B1122. No Suffolk motorways. My wife is an asthmatic and air pollution will far exceed uk and euro allowable levels. Also noise and dust and serious accidents and incidents. The Heritage Coast now called the Energy Coast but soon to be called Chaos Coast. EDF Inadequate traffic survey Birds/environmental survey. I am a member of the RSPB Minsmere also part of the Minsmere Levels group. No mitigation will protect Minsmere birds the RSPB flagship. Harriers, Bitterns, Avocets, Stone Curlews, Sand Martins from noise, light pollution, ground water interference. These birds will go over the 14 or more years of the lifetime of the build. The AONB and the SSSI land disappearing under the construct cannot be mitigated or justified. It was envisaged this would be a buffer to SZ A and B. It contains rare flora fauna and invertibrates an environment that is scarce, grown and developed over 100,s of years. Irreplaceable. The environmental impact studies are inadequate, incomplete and frankly done to mislead. One instance. Coronation wood.. Professional bat survey "bats found some not identified" !!! I have an app on my phone I could lend them.!!! Coastal Processes./ The Minsmere levels are sensitive water areas. No adequate measures can predict the effects of this build. An EDF pumping station at the sluice, a late addition, appears to be an after thought just in case of sea ingression. The vast water intakes and outtakes with possible huge amounts of fish kill and as yet no fish deterants (see Hinkley) pose problems for sea bed erosion. Coastal Erosion/ This is possibly the worst possible place to build two reactors producing and storing high burn, much higher radioactive waste, than even A and B stations. Even if a deep geological storage facility were constructed (doubtful) such is the radioactivity levels, the containers cannot be moved for 100 years. If the build runs for 60 years then the waste sits at Sizewell for 160 years. By this time the sea level predictions are Sizewell will be an island. The laughable suggestion that EDF build an ever higher curtain wall is nonsense because its not over topping that is the major concern but flooding underneath the wall and round the back. Two years ago just three miles south a cliff collapsed killing a dog walker on the beach. ITS THE WRONG PLACE.