Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Robert Brock

Date submitted
22 July 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have serious concerns about whether the views of local residents have been properly considered in the consultation and preliminary processes in respect of the proposed power stations and associated infrastructure. The proposed location of the power stations near the shore at Sizewell will do enormous and permanent damage to the local environment and the costs to the already fragile local economy will be huge. Natural sea defences will be disturbed and wildlife will be displaced. I am not opposed to the principal of nuclear power replacing outdated generation techniques and I recognise that the country needs to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels, but the route to power sustainability seems to ignore the lasting damage and I question whether the rush to find alternative means of generating electricity should, in these times, be at "any cost". The number of workmen needed to build the power stations will put intolerable strain on local resources and infrastructure. The alternative of floating accommodation blocks rather than shore-based facilities at Eastbridge has not been considered at all. Finally the traffic plan is ill-considered: The additional load on roads surrounding the site will be intolerable during the many years of construction. The existing roads are simply not designed for such traffic and there is little evidence of due consideration given to the confluence of traffic serving other major infrastructure projects currently planned for this fragile part of East Suffolk.