Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Ruth Walker

Date submitted
27 July 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a resident of East Suffolk, I am writing to express my views on the EDF planning proposals for Sizewell C. The effect on this wonderful area of “Outstanding Natural Beauty” it’s wildlife as well as businesses and residents, I consider to be of deep and rising concern. The damage Sizewell C will cause will be irreversible and its impact on the local environment will be ruinous. I hope you will take the following matters into account when making your decision about the go ahead for this project and reject it wholeheartedly. Firstly, the impact of the traffic congestion and pollution will go on for at least ten years, affecting the local population and congesting our roads, especially the A12 and other local roads for a lengthy period. This will impact our beautiful coastline and countryside and will present a serious threat to our local economy, affecting tourism, house values, small businesses, quality of life, health and natural habitats. The coastal defences of Sizewell C may well worsen coastal erosion elsewhere in the area. Dangerous radioactive waste will stay on our coastline to affect future generations for two centuries. Secondly, the plan will be a massive cost to our economy. At an estimated £20 billion,( plus the proposed taxes to be imposed on all electricity bills and our liability for any overruns) it really could be considered an excessive demand at a time when our economy is struggling to recover. Thirdly, I am extremely concerned about the partners involved in this project, for example China General Nuclear as well as the poor record associated with the EPRs. Malfunctioning safety valves on an unfinished nuclear reactor of this type in Finland is surely enough to give us all serious nightmares. Many of my friends and neighbours share this concern as well as major national and local groups such as the RSPB, The National Trust, Suffolk Wildlife Trust to name but three. I believe that Sizewell C could even be obsolete by the time it is built, whereas electricity from renewable (solar, wind, tidal) sources are not only environmentally friendly, but quicker, cheaper and save more CO2. Climate change is an issue none of us can afford to ignore any more. I would rather funding was addressed to provide sustainable means of preserving power production, through such measures as improved home insulation, heat pumps etc.