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Representation by Green, Lib Democrat & Independent (GLI)Grp East Suffolk Council (Green, Lib Democrat & Independent (GLI)Grp East Suffolk Council)

Date submitted
28 July 2020
Submitted by
Local authorities

The Members of the GLI Group as individual Ward Members believe that; Use of Nuclear Power • Nuclear Power should not be supported as a primary source of energy in the UK because it is; o Outdated, extremely expensive and unsuitable technology the cost of which will add significantly to energy users bills o Slow to build out and will not help us meet CO2 reduction target deadlines as a result ? 66g of CO2 per KW hour compared with only 7g for wind power. So 10 times as carbon intensive because of the BUILD (source: Energising the East, Dr Karen Barrass, Dr Andrew Boswell, Jonathan Essex 2020) o On a vulnerable coastline with sea level rise o Associated with well documented problems of dangerous nuclear waste disposal o A build programme irrevocably damaging to wildlife and the Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB generally but also tourism, air quality and quality of life for local residents o Responsible for killing thousands of fish everyday in its seawater intakes for cooling purposes. • Alternative sources of renewable power generation such as wind, solar and tidal must be prioritised. o Battery storage costs are down 85% • Energy generated through renewables provides a quicker and cleaner solution Site Selection • Site selection is unsuitable and chosen only on the fact that Sizewell has existing nuclear facilities on site – this does not make it the most appropriate site for further development Mitigation • The impact of any additional build at Sizewell must be properly weighted, in particular due to the site siting within the National Landscape of a protected area; the Suffolk Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, SSSI land and other areas of ecological importance • It is important that the impacts of any new infrastructure associated with Sizewell is fairly and properly mitigated against and that we should be bold in demanding adequate compensation, should the development progress • As any new development will serve national needs, and have a significant long-term impact on the area, investment in larger scale, strategic improvements for East Suffolk and beyond should be pressed for.