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Representation by Belgian State (Belgian State)

Date submitted
3 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Belgium candidates to be considered as an ‘interested party’, for the following reasons: - In emergency situations, in case of atmospheric – and to a lesser extent also liquid – discharges, an impact on the terrestrial and the marine environment in Belgium cannot be excluded; - During routine operations we should be able to forecast and evaluate what the Belgian nuclear authority will monitor across our networks, peculiarly as regards the monitoring in the North Sea. This is important for the nuclear authority, but also pertains to the Belgian OSPAR and EU duties. Therefore, we are asking to enquire the following elements with due punctiliousness: - The radiological consequences for Belgium of the discharges as a result of design accidents have to be calculated. These reference accidents need to be addressed in the environmental impact report (EIR) and the choice for the references needs to be motivated. In case no radiological accidents with an impact on Belgium have been selected, this should also be motivated in the EIR; - The impact on the cooperation with the Belgian authorities with respect to nuclear emergency planning shall be described, with specific attention for: o The exchange of information in emergency cases; o The coordination of contingency plans.