Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Sharron Jarvis

Date submitted
3 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I work locally as a [Redacted] seeing may people who live in the area and feel a great sense of peace by seeing the countryside, wildlife and the sea. If the proposed building of Sizewell C takes place, these people will then place a bigger burden upon the already overstretched NHS by needing to take medication. Indeed there is much talk in the media at the moment, for the need to see open countryside and the health benefits it gives. I remember when Sizewell B was built it was mayhem. There were traffic accidents, pile ups and many, many people working in the area. I feel this alone poses a great risk to local people because of Covid 19. Many people have told me they feel insecure and afraid of seeing lots of strangers in the area. The threat to the local tourist trade and the fishermen is huge. When I have spoken to them they have told me it will completely wipe out their livelyhood. I understand the need as a nation to look at our carbon footprint and use nuclear power as well as windfarms, but this area is such a beauty spot, it provides many people with peace and tranquility as well as a livelyhood. Therefor I ask you to reconsider the location of this proposed nuclear power station and place it in an area where it will not cause fear and disruption. Thank you for taking the time to read this e mail. Sharron Jarvis.