Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Sarah Gorry

Date submitted
3 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I do not believe the Sizewell C project should go ahead for the following reasons: 1) unacceptable levels of traffic congestion and pollution for 10-12 years 2) link road has no long-term use, and merely destroys more countryside 3) unacceptable damage to the local environment and wildlfe(Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) 4) noise, light and air pollution will threaten our health and wildlife habitats 5) irreparable damage to tourism, landscapes and our quality of life 6) ever-escalating estimated costs (original proposal £6 billion, now £20 billion 7) EDF has proposed a tax to consumers in advance, as well as consumers paying for overruns. This is wholly unethical for a private company to propose, and they should either increase their proposed costs or take less profit. 8) There are faster and more sustainable ways to kick-start the economy (and produce electricity) post-COVID-19 9) Sizewell C will have two of the trouble-prone European Pressurised Reactors (EPRs), ie. the one in France is 11 years late with numerous faults and cost overruns, at another in Finland malfunctioning safety valves have been found 10) China General Nuclear's involvement is highly controversial 11) By the time the new plant is completed the technology will be obsolete 12) Rising sea levels could make the site an island, with worsening coastal erosion 13) Most of the workers will be imported from Hinkley, and in reality there will be few jobs for local people, and the tourism jobs already held by many will be lost