Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Garry Booth

Date submitted
5 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This project is a short and long term blight on the local environment and the technology is questionable, even risky. The jobs benefit to local people will be offset by the degradation of the coast line as a tourist attraction. In terms of climate change it would be far better from an overall environmental impact point of view to spend on renewables - and still create local jobs. Climate change and projected sea level rise along with coastal erosion make the operational risk unacceptable. Finally, this project will leave a toxic legacy to future generations. I'm writing to ask you to please oppose the building of Sizewell C. This project now looks crazy on so many different levels. It is a short and long term blight on the local environment and the technology is questionable, even risky. The jobs benefit to local people will be offset by the degradation of the coast line as a tourist attraction. In terms of climate change it would be far better from an overall environmental impact point of view to spend on renewables - and still create local jobs. Finally, do you really want to leave this toxic legacy to future generations? I feel depressed to think my children and grandchildren will live under the cloud of uncertainty of a Fukushima type disaster as sea levels rise.