Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Terence Jeffrey

Date submitted
6 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I put it the examine body that the Sizewell C proposals will if allowed have an adverse impact on the holiday and visitor numbers which will result in a economic collapse costing the local economy far more than the amount estimated for the region to gain as put forward by EDF. Pollution from the build will be immense and the noise will be unbearable for those living on or near the A12. Also the cost is unacceptable when compared to other green power sources and is likely to be outdated by completion. Location is poor being in a heritage coast area. Having one redundant reactor and one active reactor sited At Sizewell should not be a reason for more development. Link road building over farm land will affect the well being of five families living within a few hundred metres of the construct site.