Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Malcolm Rowe

Date submitted
10 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The issue is the use of heavy goods trains at night from 11pm to 6am every night for up to ten years, hundreds of people are living along side this track some within 20ft, the resulting sleep deprivation and disruption to there lives needs to considered, it must be possible to run all trains during the day, say from 7am to 9pm simple changes to the track would allow trains to run in parallel to each other. My direct interest is a residential Park in Benhall, it is adjacent to the track with elderly residents all of which require to be protected. The people in Campsea Ashe, Melton, Woodbridge will be effect most others in Saxmundham, Benhall, martlesham and Little Bealings. Regards Malcolm Rowe. Director Whitearch Ltd.