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Representation by Jonathan Rutherford

Date submitted
11 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am against the Sizewell C proposals. I am convinced that the way forward is with Green Energies: Solar, Wind and Tidal. It is important to think ahead and not make a massive blunder. It is not a matter of opinion that Solar, Wind and Tidal energies can be made to work. I quote, now, from the leaflet "What Sizewell C would mean for you": "1) Electricity from renewables - wind, solar and tidal power - is green and clean. New storage technologies using batteries and hydrogen mean that a 'caseload' of nuclear power generation will not be necessary in the future. 2) The nuclear industry admits renewables are quicker, cheaper and save more CO2 than nuclear, meaning that more can be done to fight climate change for the same budget. 3) It will be 20 years before Sizewell C is built and starts paying back the CO2 which has been generated during its construction. 4) Improving house insulation and replacing gas/oil heating with heat pumps will help 2050 net-zero targets and provide immediate and sustainable local employment."