Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Guy Renn

Date submitted
14 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I urge you to support the planning application for the Sizewell C project in order that Suffolk benefits from the investment and long-term employment that it will bring. Regrettably, well-paid, secure jobs are a rarity at the moment and even a successful tourist sector will only provide inconsistent, seasonal and low paid work. There is a silent majority in Suffolk’s working population who want proper jobs and the ability to live a prosperous life in their home county. More than ever Suffolk residents, particularly the young people of Suffolk deserve an opportunity to have good quality work, to allow them to afford to live in Suffolk and to raise their families here. The recent crowds at Sizewell beach car park show that people are comfortable with the presence of well run nuclear power plants, remembering that there has been at least one nuclear power plant at Sizewell for more than fifty years. The tourists who throng to Aldeburgh, Thorpness and Southwold further support the view that our tourism is largely unaffected by the presence of nuclear development on the coast. Sizewell provides considerable business for local hoteliers, restaurateurs and hospitality providers and helps smooth out the peaks and troughs of the tourist season. I do understand the concerns about traffic. However having experienced the traffic around our seaside towns in recent weeks I can assure you that Sizewell would not be alone in causing an increase in traffic volumes. We promote our county’s tourism despite the fact that it creates a huge influx of traffic along the routes to the coast and countryside. This is because we recognise the balance of cost and benefit. A similar argument exists for Sizewell C if the facts are examined constructively and objectively. Uniquely, EDF have made meaningful proposals to mitigate the impact of their activities, not least the long overdue Stratford St Andrew/Farnham bypass. Jobs at the Sizewell site are well-paid and secure; this is not just in the technical and operational grades but all of the support roles such as administration, security, scaffolders, cleaners and painters. The workers live in Suffolk, pay local taxes and spend their wages in the county. They provide financial and practical support to local clubs, charities and other voluntary organisations. In doing this they are strongly supported by EDF. At this difficult time Suffolk should consider itself fortunate to have this fantastic opportunity to secure huge investment, hundreds of well-paid jobs and an economic boost for decades to come. I hope that you will support Sizewell C.