Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Malcolm Watson

Date submitted
15 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am concerned about the economic and environmental feasibility of the Sizewell C project. In economic terms I am aware of reports about the precarious financial situation of EDF and the issues it is facing in France. I am also concerned that the electricity produced by the proposed power station would be massively expensive AFTER the massively expensive construction project was finished. In the time since the planning process started we have become aware of the environmental necessity of changing to sustainable, less-polluting energy sources and these sources have become way cheaper and more efficient. Would the money for the proposed power station not be better spent on research and implementation of technology that must provide the power of the future? As a local inhabitant, I feel distressed at the disruption to the local environment that is part of the plan, even when the suggested attempts at mitigation are taken into consideration. This is the wrong place, wrong time, wrong stage of our history as inhabitants of the earth to be undertaking this project.