Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by County Councillor Christopher G Hudson

Date submitted
19 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Inspectorate, For the following reasons,I submit my Representation: Vast increase in HGV’s and other vehicles on roads that are inadequate through rural and green belt areas,causing gridlock and environmental pollution. Most of the jobs will be imported from the existing Hinkley station-local jobs will be unskilled,plus a significant blow to Tourism,as visitors will avoid a congested vast building site and seek a quieter environment. There will be a vast increase of water needed for the project in our dry area plus a threat to marine life from the suction pumps. There will be significant damage to an AONB visually and materially,since the new road infrastructure will dissect the AONB. EDF is in debt and the coatings are unsustainable and lacks funding to complete Sizewell,with the U.K. bearing the costs of an unproven system,French-owned,with liabilities at other stations in Flammaville and Finland,both plagued with financial and technical problems-EDF’s Finance Director resigned accordingly. The Folz report is essential reading to prevent Sizewell’s completion. The disbenefits outweigh the benefits to both Suffolk and U.K.taxpayers. Yours faithfully. Christopher G.Hudson