Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Molly Irene Elmy

Date submitted
20 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I understand that the country needs more energy generation provision, and take a pragmatic approach to these needs. Yes i would prefer the nuclear power station to go some where else, but it has got to go somewhere and providing it is not to the detriment of local people, i can see no problem with it. My representation is relating to support for the well thought out transport proposals put forward in this application. I could never see the rail option working that was a possible transport alternative put forward in earlier stages. As someone who lived through the misery of the the construction of Sizewell B and the problems this gave as a resident living on the B1122 i feel the proposals put forward, with the building of the Two Village and the B1122 bypasses, meets the needs of most residents and has my full support.