Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Stephanie Williams

Date submitted
20 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

1/ The UK does not need additional power infrastructure from developments such as Sizewell C - not only is the risk of the proposal outlined here [Redacted] there is evidence that the project is more about the survival of the French nuclear industry then the necessity of the Sizewell C scheme to provide electricity to UK customers. Renewables are known to out compete nuclear and would have far less environmental impact yet do not appear to have been considered. Instead we should be proposing more clean energy schemes such as this one announced this week in neighbouring Norfolk if more energy infrastructure is truly needed. 2/ 93% of Conservative voters want to maintain or strengthen protections for habitats and wildlife. [Redacted] Supporting a ten year construction project, will cause so much damage that these sites will never be the same makes no sense. To proceed with this, at a time when public mood and opinion is changing, is the wrong path. We need more support for ecosystems, wildlife, and nature. Not more support for tearing down of natural habitats and damaging coastlines. 3/I am concerned about the increased traffic, noise pollution, air pollution, vibrations the total destruction of the nearby wildlife and the huge impact it will have on the area.