Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Marie Curtin

Date submitted
21 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live on the B1122 in Yoxford on the section of the road that has been identified by EDF as suffering from an impact of the development. I quote from EDF's documentation:- 'It is also recognised that the proportional impact of Sizewell C traffic would be much greater on the B1122 than on the A12, or indeed other local roads. EDF Energy recognises the potential for this traffic to cause adverse noise and amenity effects to a relatively small number of properties located adjacent to the B1122.' The construction of the proposed roundabout in Yoxford and the increased HGVs, other traffic and the to and fro of the Park and Ride buses from Darsham with the ensuing noise, vibration, and light and air pollution would have a devastating impact on day to day life for me and my neighbours. It would not be possible to continue living here but I do not want to leave this lovely place. I have many other concerns regarding this development but for this application will restrict my registering of interest to those most personal to me and my neighbours. Many thanks.