Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Derek V H Downer

Date submitted
21 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As per my previous correspondence, fully explains my objections to this project being carried out by the Chinese. As stated I lived in East Africa during the period of the railway being built between Zambia and Tanzania. (Re the extraction of copper) My involvement in the building of a township in Jordan and also being involved in main land China.(Hotels in Shanghai) I am very concerned about the long term effects of this project and its effect on East Anglia -------------------------------------------------------- May I say to start that my views are not based on prejudice but experience; having lived in East Africa for ten years during the period the Chinese built a railway to get the copper out of Zambia, and then abandoned the railway to Dar-es-Salaam having got what they wanted. I then was involved in a complete township that was built in Jordan. King Hussain gave a whole valley area, Abu Usain to the Palestinians. It was assumed by the Jordanians that a British contractor would win the contract; as British contractors used local labour and a large part of the contract value would be spent in Jordan. What happened? A Chinese company by the name of Catic won the contract, then proceeded to bring every person down the tea boy out from China, carolled them on site, set up a depot shop and then paid their workers in Chinese Yuan currency. Not a penny benefit to Jordan. As a result of that contract my Company was contacted by the Chinese embassy in London for myself to go to Shanghai when after Chairman Mao died they wanted to build a number of international class hotels. (I can produce pictures and details of these projects). We found that the Chinese were only interested to find out about our technical details and then wanted us to set up manufacturers in China for them. Enough of the back ground, I completely object to these people being allowed to come to our country to build our nuclear power stations. We are more than capable of building our own and in fact with the number of off-shore wind farms and solar farms which will not interfere with the future generations of this Country in the same way as disused nuclear power stations. Suffolk is not a county that needs the disruption that this project will bring.