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Representation by Mrs P Jenkinson

Date submitted
26 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I seriously question the need for any further nuclear power stations at a time when this country is committed to becoming carbon neutral and there is no sensible framework for dealing with nuclear waste. The A12 is not a suitable gateway for transporting all the necessary materials and personnel to the site. The minimum requirement is to implement the 4 Villages by-pass. If the park and ride site is situated just north of Wickham Market, then it is essential that lorries and vans are prevented from using the B1078 as a shortcut to the site through the village. This would require number-plate recognition to be implemented for ALL vehicles, not just those over 3 tons. Alternatively, the B1078 could be diverted around Charsfield and Wickham Market. The proposed route is totally unsuitable as is the idea of stopping all parking along the High Street.