Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Jacky Carpenter

Date submitted
27 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The Sizewell C project lacks a realistic emissions lag in terms of offsetting greenhouse emissions generated in its construction. EDF estimate that 6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide will be emitted in the 12 years during the build taking it until 2040 to offset and make a positive contribution to the UK's net zero target which leaves it an expensive and risky solution to our urgent climate crisis. The UK is expecting the power mix to be greener due to more wind and solar farms being built. The National Grid expects the UK to run our Power network with entirely zero carbon electricity by 2025, well before Sizewell is even built. The impact on the local infrastructure is unsustainable - Wickham Market is already struggling with unsuitable parking, highways, sewerage, housing, and flood risk. The aesethics & landscape of Wickham Market will totally change due to Sizewell C, during and after construction to the detriment of the surrounding life & villages and the UK.