Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Lesley Krohn

Date submitted
29 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the building of Sizewell c on these points. 1. The amount of traffic coming and going to the site will be detrimental to the environment and clog up the A12 even though there are by passes proposed. 2. The proposed by passes go through pristine , quiet countryside and it will be detrimental to the people living near the by passes and to the wildlife in those areas. 3.The wildlife WILL be affected near the site even though it says it won’t. They propose to drive a road right through an area of special scientist interest. That says it all. Marsh harriers, bats , avocets , deer , otters etc all will lose their environment and this is even quoted in the proposal. Promising to put everything back in 12 years is not going to compensate for the disruption to the habitats. 4.The amount of people coming to live in our very quiet, peaceful area will change the areas dynamics, put pressure on shops, schools ,roads and our way of living. 5.This is 12 years of proposed disruption to our beautiful countryside and I totally disagree to the building of Sizewell C.