Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Joanna Atherton

Date submitted
30 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am against the building of SZC because I believe: -it will have a hugely negative impact on the ecology of the area; -more local jobs will be lost than gained due to the negative impact there will be on Tourism; -physical, mental and emotional well-being will be directly impacted due to the huge increase in traffic and air, light and sound pollution during construction; -there will also be a negative impact on the ability of the local populace to exercise freely in the area due to the increase in traffic and this thus putting the squeeze on local, currently quiet, roads; -similar projects in Hinkley, France and Finland have enormously over-run with numerous faults being exposed; -Suffolk`s coast is eroding fast and this will only increase over the coming years thus making it a highly inappropriate place to build any large structures. This is an even more important consideration when nuclear fuel and its waste products are included in the mix; -the cost to the public and private purses will be huge and ongoing due to the extra tax that will be needed to run this project; -CO2 capturing ecology will be destroyed in order to build a power station that will unable to pay back its emissions until 2040.