Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mr Stephen Dorcey

Date submitted
31 August 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Moving to the area 16years ago I did realise that C/D was on the cards Times Change. Sellafield closed in 2014 and the storage of Size well B nuclear waste was foisted upon the community I refuse totally to accept EDF's assumption that they have our approval to store the waste from the proposed new build on the same site in the same way.Thereby drastically increasing the potential threat to Suffolkof a major nuclear disaster. In short given the rapidly changing playing field of the renewable energy sector the government must pull the plug on Size well C/D ---------------------------------------- The nuclear waste that will be produced and stored on site for all three reactors( this is including size well b) is a time bomb and a target for terrorism .