Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Julian A C Royle

Date submitted
1 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

In response to the proposal to build a new Nuclear Power station C at Sizewell I would make the following points in objection 1] Security & Safety A]The involvement of the Chinese Government agency in funding 20% of the project at a time of great uncertainty in UK /China relations poses a strategic risk. B]The scale and location troubles me as North Sea coastal erosion over the life of this power station will increase and threaten the foundations C] The history of nuclear accidents in UK, USA, former USSR and Japan does not inspire confidence D] The critical involvement of ‘’EDF as a French Government agency at a time of UK withdrawal for the EU poses additional political stress to this project.I note that Germany has ceased all nuclear power generation 2] Technology As pioneers of nuclear energy the UK should have moved on from the vas scale generation at one site to smaller UK manufactured generators based on well proven Nuclear submarine technology placed closer to areas of high demand. possibly offshore using similar cable- ways as Wind Power generators which could complement power generation at windless times. 3] Local impact A]The ten year construction timetable will blight this much loved , cherished and precious coastal area of England that has inspired artists , composers and writers and in turn tourists and those seeking an agreeable retirement home. B ]Should this project go ahead ,as I suspect it will do regardless of objections ,I question the merit of providing temporary homes for your workers which will be demolished on completion rather that building new homes in local communities which could be provided as social housing, which is much needed for low paid essential agricultural workers