Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Binita Walia

Date submitted
8 July 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing as a regular tourist to Suffolk and a member of the public who cares about our environment. I have grave concerns about the environmental impact of Sizewell C and from my in depth research I can see that there are many issues on the land and coast that need resolving concerning birds, nature reserves, wildlife. What I am very concerned about however, is the omission of the Acoustic Fish Deterrent (AFD) as the third fish deterrent system for the cooling tunnels from EDF’s consultation. Without an AFD, fish are at risk of being sucked into the cooling tunnels in vast quantities. This is both dangerous and environmentally catastrophic. Not using rigorous fish deterrents and the AFD is a direct threat to REAF - The Renaissance of the East Anglia Fisheries. ‘The REAF group have launched the UK’s first regional fishing strategy, presenting a template for revitalising East Anglia’s fishing industry. The strategy spells out the opportunities presented across all sectors of the industry. It is born of a unique community-led partnership between three local authorities, the local fishing industry, government agencies and a major port operator.’ Therefore, at the same time as trying to nurture and grow a fishing industry in the local area, the power plant will be suctioning in millions of fish to die in the cooling tunnels over its lifetime. The most common fish in the area are herring and sprat of 88 known species and there is also Dover Sole, sand gobies and Flounder present, which can also be deterred by an AFD. The removal of the AFD from the Consultation shows that EDF are trying to cut their costs and are not willing to address this hugely threatening environmental issue that will seriously affect the UK’s fishing potential post-Brexit. It is imperative EDF work towards solving all the environmental issues associated with the Sizewell site and that the Environment Agency and Planning Inspectorate hold EDF to account on ALL these issues because they will affect Britain’s ecology and biodiversity irreversibly.