Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by JP Dorgan

Date submitted
4 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

To Whom it may Concern I am a new resident to Hacheston and live on the main road from Framlingham to the A12. I have grave concerns on the level of traffic that will be increased due to Sizewell and the speed. We already have had a few narrow escapes from collisions on the road as trying to leave my driveway. I also have concerns that EDF Energy have not really thought about the infrastructure and how the Park and ride facility will have a massive impact on people and the local surrounding area. I don't understand why the Park and Ride it is not closer to the A14 and running park and ride closer to where all the traffic will be coming from. Finally what happens to the Car park when Sizewell C is built? Kind Regards JP Dorgan Hacheston Resident