Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Ipswich Friends of the Earth (Ipswich Friends of the Earth)

Date submitted
6 September 2020
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations
  • Sizewell C is proposed to be situated directly in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The AONB is designated largely for its natural beauty and tranquillity. The main development site would be entirely within this protected landscape. The AONB has a ‘high level of protection’ under the Countryside Rights of Way (CRoW) Act 2000. This is the wrong place for another nuclear power station. The site is described in policy document EN-6 as only ‘potentially suitable’. + Ecology under treat. Suffolk Shingle Beaches County Wildlife Site (CWS). Would be totally destroyed due to new defences. Vegetated shingle a scarce habitat with rare flowers. EDFE to save some ‘substrate’ for replanting – but where and how? The building works would take 12 years – would the seeds last that long? +Huge change to the area which is known for its peace, tranquility and beauty. RSPB are forcasting 30% drop in visitor numbers, when you take in for the whole area, B&B, shops etc to the local community, the effect is a real one