Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Peter Allsop

Date submitted
7 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. By the time it is built improvements in storage technology and the input from the many wind farms off the North Sea coast will render the project obsolete. 2. The coastline is fragile and has been moving for centuries. The site is in an AONB and straddles two SSSIs. There will be permanent damage to flora and fauna. 3. The population of Leiston, the nearest town is around 6000 people. That’s similar to the construction workforce and 2400 workers will be housed in an accommodation block, with another 600 in caravans. That’s a 50% increase in the local population. The local infrastructure just isn’t up to it 4. The scale of the project and transport links, or rather lack of them, render the site unsuitable for a 12 year disruption. The applicants are looking at 600 plus HGVs per day along existing roads during the early construction phase and more when the access road is built. That access road will have no future relevance once construction has finished. Alternatives which might have legacy value have been overlooked by the Applicants. The A12 is inadequate for its current traffic load and the proposed two village bypass will do little to assist. 5. There will be huge pollution by light and noise and visually from the construction site and accommodation buildings as well as the projected spoil heaps 6. The tourist economy will be badly hit by the additional traffic, pollution and disruption. 7. Footpaths will be closed and diverted including a number on the East Suffolk railway line. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C. I submit that this application is unsuitable for a digital examination process.