Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Angela Lee-Foster

Date submitted
7 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. Need - nuclear power is far more expensive than renewables; Site - too large and impactful for effecting AONB, heritage coast, RSPB Minsmere and tourism. There are already significant and impactful energy projects being planned such as Scottish Renewables. Economic - Devasting negative impact on community and tourism. Most workers from outside immediate area. No lasting economic benefits. Transport - Road transport plan wholly inadequate and unacceptable. Siting of park and rides totally misjudged affecting small communities. In particular South Park and ride not diverting traffic away from A14 and A12 before Woodbridge. Will drive significant traffic through small villages. Inadequate by-pass of villages running up to site. Environment - Signficant impact on environment, increased risk of flooding and damage to ground water levels, and catastrophic impact on area of AONB. Significant ecological damage; Sizewell C will not pay off the CO2 from its construction until 2040;