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Representation by Judie Shore

Date submitted
8 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to make clear my many concerns about the planning application for the building of Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station. In addition I support the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C My concerns are based on the following: Environmental and ecological impact (both land and marine) upon areas of special scientific interest, AONB and habitats therein. I support the Relevant Representations made by the RSPB, Suffolk Wildlife Trust and National Trust Flood risk and impact on coastline The impact of the build on the local community and associated social problems caused by a high import of workers from outside of the area plus the pressure this will bring on local services. The projected numbers of additional HGVs, vans, buses and cars in this quiet rural area is untenable and would ruin the nature of the area and its landscape character The impact on Suffolk’s £2bn tourist industry would be devastating. I understand that a digital examination process has been suggested for the Sizewell C application. Given its size, this would be totally unsuitable.