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Representation by Kim Vanhinsbergh

Date submitted
8 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Please consider these concerns when assessing the application to build two more nuclear reactors at Sizewell. Site location, is it in the wrong place? What effect will building a new power station have on the local coastline? Will it cause coastal erosion on either side? Is the site at risk from climate change if the sea level rises, will Sizewell become an island? It is in an area next to a SSSI, Minsmere nature reserve. How will that be affected? Nuclear waste At present we have no way of disposing safely of nuclear waste. EDF states that waste will be stored onsite until a way of disposing of the waste becomes available. We have been generating this waste for decades and still no long term solution has been formulated. Is it right to create yet more waste and expect our children to deal with it? Influx of large numbers of workers to the area. I oppose the building of a campus in Eastbridge. EDF promise that it will be a boost to local employment. But i believe most skilled workers will come from Hinckley. Only lower skilled lower paid workers will be employed from the local area. Will this have a detrimental effect on local businesses who might not be able to keep and employ new staff? What effect will it have on tourism in the local area with all the extra people around and increased traffic? What effect will having all these extra people in the area have on health services? It takes long enough to get a doctors appointment now. The development will destroy my local environment with light, noise and dust pollution, i overlook the present power stations. I oppose the spoil and stock heaps to be sited near to where i live. I fear Minsmere will be damage beyond repair, an area recognised internationally as an area of natural beauty. What effect will it have on the Marsh Harrier population? I believe the road based transport plan is unsustainable. Village life for all those effected along those routes will be destroyed by all the extra HGV's. A new road building scheme in the area could damage footpaths and separate farmland. Is it required at all? We are getting better at using power more efficiently. Battery storage is improving every year making power from off shore wind turbines and solar farms more sustainable. We will all soon have a storage device sitting on our driveways in the form of an electric car. It has been proved that these can be used for backup power when required. Nuclear power is not a green energy source as claimed. It is estimated that it will have to operational for a minimum Six years before it pays back the amount of CO2 released in its construction alone. What effect will the abstraction of water in the area during the construction phase and in the future have on the local water table, surrounding habits and ecology generally? Should this application have even been submitted during a national crisis with the Covid pandemic? Will people have the opportunity to voice their opposition effectively at this time? Is this application right to be submitted in a digital examination format alone? I endorse and support all submissions from other groups including Stop Sizewell C, RSPB and Suffolk Wildlife trust.