Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Chris Adelson

Date submitted
8 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have been a resident of East Suffolk for over 50 years. These are my objections to the building of Sizewell C. Erosion - I have witnessed the unstable and changing coastline. It is not suitable for such a large scale development. Safe storage of waste is not possible either. Climate change - changing weather patterns will lead to more extreme events and sea level rise making the site unsuitable. CO2 savings have not included the cost of the geological waste facility and so they are more optimistic than we can expect. Water - Where will it come from? No provision has been made for extra to support agriculture. Transport - The extra traffic will be noisy and make travel difficult for people already living here. The use of the railway during the night will affect the residents of all the towns from Felixstowe to Darsham. Habitat - It is a beautiful area full of rare species which will suffer from fragmentation and habitat loss. So much has been worked for that will be lost to diggers and not returned. Tourism - Now more than ever people have come to the area to enjoy the wide range of landscapes, to find rest and recreation.