Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Prof Peter Dickinson

Date submitted
8 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

WRONG DECISION SIZEWELL C The situation has changed dramatically in view of recent events. It is now obvious that the Chinese input through Huawei and our power stations must be curtailed. Failure to contain the Chinese threat will have very serious consequences for the future of this country in ways that have not yet been recognised or acknowledged. This alone is a reason for pausing now on the whole Sizewell project for reconsideration before it is too late. Objections already made remain. The whole project is too big and far too expensive. The track record of SZC reactors is poor. The whole site is vulnerable to changes in sea-level. The work for such an extended period would damage tourism and create unacceptable traffic. Wildlife habitat would be seriously affected in an area of outstanding natural beauty. The nuclear industry, with its long-term problems of storing waste, is in decline. PETER DICKINSON