Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Debra Hyatt

Date submitted
8 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

it is hard to know where to start. Effects on the landscape of the building work- the new road and the building of accommodation blocks on an area that was forest with the loss the wild life habitat and the closure of the Sandlings Walk during construction. The building of two new nuclear power plants in this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty with decimate the Tourism business. The Lockdown demonstrated just how people in this area work in this industry. At the moment most visitors don't even know about the building plans. I cannot see them returning when all this building works kicks off with constant noise, 24 lighting, and dust. I am also concerned about the effects of the construction on coastal erosion to the North and south of the plants. Nuclear power is not efficient and out of date.