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Representation by Darsham Parish Council (Darsham Parish Council)

Date submitted
9 September 2020
Submitted by
Parish councils

Darsham Parish Council Submission to Planning Inspectorate re EDF's DCO for Sizewell C & D. 1. Introduction and scope of submission. While Darsham Parish Council (DPC) shares the wider concerns about the impacts of EDF's proposals on transport, environment and tourism with the majority of local Parish Councils, and supports the views of the Environment Agency and national and local conservation groups, our submission concentrates on the siting and impacts of the Northern Park and Ride (NPR) which is located within the Parish Council boundary. 2. Consultation responses. 3. Traffic flow 4. Congestion 5. Level crossing closures 6. Dark skies 7. Rat-running 8. Noise and pollution 9. Legacy provisions 10. Geology, drainage and flood risk 11. Traffic constriction 12. Relief road 13. Summary Taken as a whole, Darsham Parish Council conclude that siting the NPR north of Darsham Station on a single carriageway section of the A12 adjacent to a level crossing is a serious mistake. (The Southern Park and Ride is located off a dual carriageway) Darsham Parish Council (CP & MS) September 2020.